Gluten and Dairy Free: Day 5!

Today marks day 5 of my dairy and gluten free challenge! I’m so excited to be doing this and already seeing many benefits of this.

One advantage: SO MUCH ENERGY!!
This is huge for me. After my trip to buffalo a few weeks ago, I was in the slump with working out and eating out. I couldn’t find the motivation to do anything really, besides work. It was horrible and I was constantly regretting being lazy and not getting my workouts in. Feeling sluggish is definitely no fun! As of yesterday, I was starting to see a difference with energy. I was up, ready to go at 6:30AM. Before work, I managed to get in some hill training work and a 3 mile bike ride. I felt good!!!

I must say, going gluten free is definitely NOT easy. I couldn’t imagine those with celiac disease who have to do this day in and day out. Major props to you guys! I know it’s not a choice but it’s a struggle and the fact that you make it work, for your lives, is incredible.

Will I continue with this way of living, gluten and dairy free? Yes, it is very possible. Although it is very challenging, the benefits for your health are far worth it!