Protein Brownie Bites

I can’t believe this week is the last and final week of the 21 day nutrition plan I’m doing. With traveling to Buffalo this weekend, the nutrition plan was a little off balance. I noticed how much easier it is to overdose on carbs(yellows), rather than get in protein, healthy fats, and vegetables. All of these together are what allows us to get the results we want. Anyways, back on track! I wanted to share with you a healthy little treat I found earlier on another website: Protein Brownie Bites!

What you need: – 1 chocolate shakeology – 1 tsp coconut oil – water until properly mixed – stevia (not required) I used skinny girl

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and place onto cookie sheet into about 6 tbsp size balls. Bake for 5-8 minutes at 375!

For my plan, this counts as – 1 red – 1 tsp

– xoXO


Healthy Eating Tips: Day 5 #feelgoodblogging

When I first started this journey I’m on with healthy eating, I found I was wasting a lot of food. I would be eating the meats I bought for protein sources, but more often than not, I was wasting the veggies and fruits that were purchased, because of them going bad! For someone who is on a budget, and not looking to basically throw money away, I had to get better about this!
Tip # 1 Everything I go grocery shopping now, I have a set list of the meals I’ll be making ahead of time so I’m also not buying foods I do not need.

Tip #2 Clean and prepare your fruits as soon as you get home! Don’t wait to wash or cut them up at a later time. I can guarantee, it most likely will not happen. IMG_4654.JPG

Tip # 3 Meal prep as soon as you get home with your groceries. Today, while I was making some cinnamon roasted butternut squash, I made sure I had my carrots portioned out and in baggies for the week. Chicken was also being prepped to be baked in the oven.


Tip #4 As I mentioned before, having a grocery list and meals planned out for the week is a huge m u s t . Why? Well, not only will this save you money by not buying extra goodies you don’t need, you’ll also be able to look to see what’s on sale that week and plan your meals around that. “Ok, but Courtney, I like to eat out!” I get it, really I do! Plan a meal(or two) out per week where you have a set day to enjoy a meal at a local restaurant with some friends or a loved one. That way, not only will you be able to look forward to a “cheat” meal, you’ll know exactly when it’s coming. This can help prevent you from an unexpected night out that might not fit in the budget.

By following these four simple steps, you are more likely to stay on track with eating healthy and not wasting money. I hope these tips will help!

Do you already do some of these? Which ones? How has it helped you?!


World of Beer: Gluten Friendly?

Last night, a coworker of mine and some friends went out to World of Beer to watch her friend perform. I was excited for a night out with friends but I was worried that their beer may not fit my gluten free needs.

I must say, they were successful! They had multiple different gluten free beers but I settled for New Planet Raspberry. It was a lighter beer and nothing short of delicious. I was so happy with my choice and that World of Beer has options for those with dietary needs. My first experience at World of Beer was pleasing and I’m excited to go back another time!

Looking to join one of my upcoming challenges? Email me at!!


Gluten and Dairy Free: Day 5!

Today marks day 5 of my dairy and gluten free challenge! I’m so excited to be doing this and already seeing many benefits of this.

One advantage: SO MUCH ENERGY!!
This is huge for me. After my trip to buffalo a few weeks ago, I was in the slump with working out and eating out. I couldn’t find the motivation to do anything really, besides work. It was horrible and I was constantly regretting being lazy and not getting my workouts in. Feeling sluggish is definitely no fun! As of yesterday, I was starting to see a difference with energy. I was up, ready to go at 6:30AM. Before work, I managed to get in some hill training work and a 3 mile bike ride. I felt good!!!

I must say, going gluten free is definitely NOT easy. I couldn’t imagine those with celiac disease who have to do this day in and day out. Major props to you guys! I know it’s not a choice but it’s a struggle and the fact that you make it work, for your lives, is incredible.

Will I continue with this way of living, gluten and dairy free? Yes, it is very possible. Although it is very challenging, the benefits for your health are far worth it!

#GFDF Two Week Challenge

Hey there all my wonderful followers! I hope you are having a fantastic Tuesday!

Yesterday I started a two week challenge with some of my team members of Shrednation as well as others. We will be trying to go gluten and dairy free for Two weeks! Many people who have Celiac disease have a gluten intolerance, just like those who are lactose intolerant with dairy products. Personally, I do not stuggle with either of these but I want to see how my body will react, whether it be more energy, less bloating, anything!

What is gluten you may ask? Check out this link for more information!

What do I have planned to eat? Well funny you should ask that! For breakfast, I will still be enjoying my delicious Pumpkin Spice triple D shake. Then for a snack around 11AM, I’m eating a chocolate rice cake topped with GF chunky peanut butter. Lunch consists of a GF wrap, chicken cutlets with southwestern chipotle seasoning, avocado, and spinach. Hellllloooo macros! ;) Right now, I’m sipping on a starbucks pumpkin spice iced coffee from starbucks with soy milk. I had to get away for lunch and wanted to stay true and not let my follow challengers down! As for dinner, I haven’t decided what it will be just yet, may have some GF pasta I bought the other day but I need to hit my macros too. Oh the possibilities!! I’m trying to enjoy my favorite foods but make them in healthier, GF ways. It’s such a fun challenge. I cannot wait to see how it plays out for my challengers too, whether they lose weight, tone up, or just feel better overall. Want to joun in? Email me at for more information. It’s totally risk-free!!