Day 3- Shoulders & Arms, AB Ripper X, & Cardio

Hey all! Thanks for continuing to follow my fitness journey! Let me just tell you, the self control it takes to not go to DD in the morning to grab my ham, egg, and cheese on an english muffin + a coffee is definitely challenging. But, I’ve been sticking to my shakeology shakes and all is going well thus far again.

SELF CONTROL, PEOPLE!!! Eating clean and watching what you put in your body is KEY. I let myself go for about a month of so, with how I was eating, and I definitely could notice the difference, even though I continued working out.

MOVING ON…Since it’s Tuesday, it was my lunch cardio day :) While on lunch, I did 11 minutes on the cybex arc trainer, treadmill 40 second sprints(20 second break), and a little bike action. Managed to get a great burn and work up on sweat in 25 minutes. Not too shabby, especially since I didn’t want to go at all!


After work, I’ll be doing P90X day 3 shoulders and arms workout plus the ab ripper x dvd.I want my abs to start coming through! For dinner, I’ll be making some protein pancakes. :)

Want more, follow me on Instagram, @crprze :)

Have a great night, ya’ll!