My Gym

Gyms are great. Trust me, I used to have a gym membership and I feel like I really get a great workout in there. 🏃💪However, with trying to cut spending and better my budget, I decided to cut out the $30 per month cost. 💰💸Why pay the gym when I can get killer results from my own place, in a short time, and also save money from not using gas? Not to mention, fighting to get gym equipment no longer appealed to me. I would much rather pay to invest in these programs and equipments that I will be able to do whenever I want, without going off a gym schedule.

So far, I’ve graduated from the 10 weeks of T25 and will be starting X3 on Monday.
I could not be more excited to see how my body transforms in the next 90 days, especially after slacking a little this past week and half with the holidays. Excuses?! NO MORE! Time to get the results, and ABS that Ive been wanting to haven’t fully committed too. Thank goodness for the 30 challenges in the upcoming challenge group to help hold me accountable!! Also, I love me some Chalene and HIIT workouts so I love throwing Turbo Fire in the mix. 💥👊

Like and comment here if you want to learn more about what I’m doing, in the comfort of my own place. 💚💚 Do you have a #fitfriend too? Tag them below! ⬇️ 💌


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