Apple Pie Oats: Day 3 #feelgoodblogging

As the weather starts getting cooler, the more I want comfort foods. Although Florida is still pretty warm out, there is nothing that makes me happier than feeling the crisp fall air, rumbling of the leaves on the ground, and of course, everything pumpkin!! I am even lucky enough this fall to experience the northern version twice this year, by going to Grand Rapids Michigan last weekend, and then my hometown, Buffalo NY, next weekend! Who doesn’t love to go pick some fresh apples to enjoy in your breakfast oatmeal?

Sticking with the fall theme, I want to share with you my breakfast of the week, because let’s be real, everyone loves a simple breakfast!

So, let’s get started with what you need:
– 1 small-medium apple, preferably McIntosh or granny smith
– 1/4 cup steel cut oats, or old-fashioned oats work as well
– 1 tbsp cinnamon
– 1/4 cup water
– 1/4 cup almond milk
– almond extract
– chopped walnuts(optional)IMG_4611.JPG

1. Cut apple into cubes, leave some of apple cut into thin slices, about 3-4 will do.
2. Place oats, apple cubes, water, almond milk, cinnamon, and a dash of almond extract into bowl.
3. Place in microwave for 2-3 minutes to warm.
4. Once done, take out of microwave, and top with chopped walnuts and apple slices for a little fancy touch!
5. Enjoy your apple pie oats!!!

IMG_4610.PNGLooking to spice up this recipe a little bit? Swap the apples for 1/4 cup of pure pumpkin puree. Top with a little nutmeg and pumpkin spice and you have yourself some healthy pumpkin pie

– Courtney

Passion, My Why : Day 2 #feelgoodblogging

When I enter the gym, and head to the group fitness room, I get all jittery and the nerves start to overwhelm me. I sometimes second guess myself and thing, “what if I don’t have enough energy?”, “what if I don’t push the class hard enough”. These are just some of the many thoughts that I come across. Then, it all changes. The mats are rolled out, mic is turned on, and the music starts to play. As we warm up and progress through all the various sections, I remember why I LOVE doing this.

Let’s take it back a little bit! Growing up, I was always involved with sports and would do anything that I could from swimming competitively, cheerleading, track, you name it. I loved being active, never realizing that in reality I was working out, but in a fun way. Fast forward to junior year of college when I wasn’t doing a single thing. I wouldn’t grocery shop, I was eating out(almost every meal), and I certainly wasn’t working out. I actually did not like working out at all! Cardio just wasn’t appealing to me. At the time, I didn’t know there was so much more out there!  I noticed the scale starting to climb, feeling worse about my body, self esteem dropping even more. “When you eat like crap, you feel like crap” and boy was that true!! That summer, I had gained almost 20 pounds. Senior year, I started cheerleadling again and was dropping pounds but I wasn’t healthy by any means. I was not properly fueling my body. Heck, it was barely fueled by the way I was eating. There were also things going on emotionally that I was skipping meals, sometimes only eating once a day. BAD, Courtney!

A few months after graduating, in January of 2013, I K N E W it was finally time to make a change, and get healthy and not only look good, but also feel good. I started hitting up a local gym, meal prepping, avoiding meals out. I felt unstoppable. This whole process was starting to become addicting for me and I kept craving results. I had dropped 20 pounds since my heaviest, and my abs were poking through, something I thought I could only dream of! By tracking my journey through this blog, and on Instagram, I started to create a following. People were asking what I was doing, how to get results. I knew I had to take a leap of faith and P A Y  I T  F O R W A R D.  Because of struggling financially, and searching for the right team, it took a while for me to fully commit but once I did, I haven’t looked back. In May 2013, I decided to join Team Fight to Finish and work as a health and fitness specialist. I wanted to help others, like me, that were struggling with their weight and body issues but needed guidance and plans. Anyone can go to the gym but you really have to know what you’re doing there, and eating properly, to see results of the time spent there.

So why do I do this? Simple. I want to inspire others to get healthy. I want them to think, “if she did, so can I”. I want them to know they are strong enough to take on this challenge, and BE successful, to know they are not alone. There are so many others that can relate with gaining college pounds, having self esteeem issues, and even the emotional abuse. It is so nice when you have someone else there to relate to. It’s those little text messages from friends that say they’ve lost 15 pounds by committing, for those saying they have increased energy levels. Or, like last night, when people say “You kicked my booty in class”, “I’m already wobbling, tomorrow, i won’t be able to walk!” during my weekly PiYo class. Its those little things that mean the world to me. I am helping to change peoples lives, from them to being healthier, dropping weight, or even seeing financial success. It’s a feeling I would N O T trade for the world. Lastly, I want to inspire others around me to dream big, and never give up. Did I ever think in my 20s, when I was barely getting by financially, I would be able to start and run my own business? Definitely not! You can do anything you set your mind to!!

A Simple Introduction: Day 1 #feelgoodblogging



Hey all, it’s been a while!! I’ve decided to get back into blogging by starting a 7 day challenge with Alex Beadon.  We we’re asked to answer 5 short questions, so here goes nothing!

Who Am I?

I’m Courtney Przepasniak, or Prze for short. Gotta love those long Polish last names. ;) I am an alumni of Flagler College with my bachelors in business administration, and a minor in marketing. I was born and rated in Buffalo, NY, but now reside in Jacksonville, FL. Although being close to palm trees and the beach is great, I truly miss seasons and everything about Buffalo, from the food to family/friends to watching my Buffalo Bills on home turf. On the side, I teach a group fitness class, PiYo Strength: Live, which is all about combining Pilates and yoga into one, while also having continuous fluid movements. It’s such a great workout for lengthy, while also leaning out our muscles at the same time.

Why did I start blogging?

I know it’s been a while but I originally started blogging as a way to track my fitness journey  with others. I also wanted something I could look back at over time and see my thoughts and progress, while also sharing recipes with others.

Who is my blog for?

Previously, my blog would be for anyone looking to start their fitness journey and wanting someone to relate to. It could have also been those who we’re looking for a clean eating type recipe. Now, as time progresses and I start training for my first marathon, I want my blog to be for those also training, wanting to see how the process goes for a first timer. I am also a heal and fitness coach so I want people to use my page as a resource when they want to get started with a program, and looking for some extra motivation and coaching through it!

What is something you’re proud of?

As I mentioned before, I am a health and fitness coach through Beachbody. Never did I think that in my 20s, I would be a business owner with these wonderful opportunities, all while helping others. To tell you the truth, I never picked myself to be in entrepreneur in general! Pretty crazy to me. I am also proud for taking a leap out of my comfort zone to recommit to God, after nang years of not going.

What do I want my followers to get?

For my followers, I want to know, you are not alone. There is someone out there, struggling or going through something just like you. Don’t give up on a goal because you don’t think it can be achieved. Dream big, and high can accomplish anything you set your mind to!

Thats it for today folks! See you tomorrow :)


My Gym

Gyms are great. Trust me, I used to have a gym membership and I feel like I really get a great workout in there. 🏃💪However, with trying to cut spending and better my budget, I decided to cut out the $30 per month cost. 💰💸Why pay the gym when I can get killer results from my own place, in a short time, and also save money from not using gas? Not to mention, fighting to get gym equipment no longer appealed to me. I would much rather pay to invest in these programs and equipments that I will be able to do whenever I want, without going off a gym schedule.

So far, I’ve graduated from the 10 weeks of T25 and will be starting X3 on Monday.
I could not be more excited to see how my body transforms in the next 90 days, especially after slacking a little this past week and half with the holidays. Excuses?! NO MORE! Time to get the results, and ABS that Ive been wanting to haven’t fully committed too. Thank goodness for the 30 challenges in the upcoming challenge group to help hold me accountable!! Also, I love me some Chalene and HIIT workouts so I love throwing Turbo Fire in the mix. 💥👊

Like and comment here if you want to learn more about what I’m doing, in the comfort of my own place. 💚💚 Do you have a #fitfriend too? Tag them below! ⬇️ 💌


World of Beer: Gluten Friendly?

Last night, a coworker of mine and some friends went out to World of Beer to watch her friend perform. I was excited for a night out with friends but I was worried that their beer may not fit my gluten free needs.

I must say, they were successful! They had multiple different gluten free beers but I settled for New Planet Raspberry. It was a lighter beer and nothing short of delicious. I was so happy with my choice and that World of Beer has options for those with dietary needs. My first experience at World of Beer was pleasing and I’m excited to go back another time!

Looking to join one of my upcoming challenges? Email me at!!
