Apple Pie Oats: Day 3 #feelgoodblogging

As the weather starts getting cooler, the more I want comfort foods. Although Florida is still pretty warm out, there is nothing that makes me happier than feeling the crisp fall air, rumbling of the leaves on the ground, and of course, everything pumpkin!! I am even lucky enough this fall to experience the northern version twice this year, by going to Grand Rapids Michigan last weekend, and then my hometown, Buffalo NY, next weekend! Who doesn’t love to go pick some fresh apples to enjoy in your breakfast oatmeal?

Sticking with the fall theme, I want to share with you my breakfast of the week, because let’s be real, everyone loves a simple breakfast!

So, let’s get started with what you need:
– 1 small-medium apple, preferably McIntosh or granny smith
– 1/4 cup steel cut oats, or old-fashioned oats work as well
– 1 tbsp cinnamon
– 1/4 cup water
– 1/4 cup almond milk
– almond extract
– chopped walnuts(optional)IMG_4611.JPG

1. Cut apple into cubes, leave some of apple cut into thin slices, about 3-4 will do.
2. Place oats, apple cubes, water, almond milk, cinnamon, and a dash of almond extract into bowl.
3. Place in microwave for 2-3 minutes to warm.
4. Once done, take out of microwave, and top with chopped walnuts and apple slices for a little fancy touch!
5. Enjoy your apple pie oats!!!

IMG_4610.PNGLooking to spice up this recipe a little bit? Swap the apples for 1/4 cup of pure pumpkin puree. Top with a little nutmeg and pumpkin spice and you have yourself some healthy pumpkin pie

– Courtney

Happy One Year!


Growing up, I was always involved in sports mainly cheerleading and swimming. Summer going into Junior year of college, I gained a lot of weight due to not eating healthy and not exercising. I did not treat my body properly at ALL! I gained about 15-20 pounds. I remember when I stepped on the scale and saw the larger number, because of my unhealthy lifestyle eating out every day, and stuffing my fave with froyo at work, it frightened me. I couldn’t believe I let myself do that. Senior year of college, I decided to try out for cheerleading again and started to tone up and shed some pounds. January 2013 I took it one step further and signed up for a gym membership, hitting the heavier weights, doing more and more races(including my FIRST HALF!), and changed my eating habits. Fast forward to May, where I found Shrednation and started some at home programs to cut costs and save a little money. I never thought I’d be able to get amazing results from home so I was pleasantly surprised. I managed to lose 20+ pounds, gain some muscle, and finally feel confident(for the most part), in my own skin.

Now, a year later, I’m paying it forward and helping others achieve their health and fitness goals. You may ask yourself, WHY am I doing this? Why do I want to help others? After struggling for SO LONG with my body image, I want others to know they aren’t alone. There are others struggling too that they can confide in, that doesn’t need to just be kept to themselves. Also, with trying to find my way around the gym, without knowledge of what I was doing at first, I was so glad to find programs that WORK and could be done at home, without going anywhere and giving the gym a monthly installment to use their equipment. I have a HUGE support system that makes sure I also stay on track myself. I’d love for others to be apart of it.

Currently, I am on day 3 of the new P90X3 workout and have been drinking shakeology religiously for a couple months now. I’m also a HUGE meal prepper while trying to stay gluten and dairy free. I do take it day to day though because there are times I miss a workout, or slip up with my nutrition.  Afterall, nobody’s perfect ;)

Happy One Year of this new lifestyle to me! 🏃👟💪

My Gym

Gyms are great. Trust me, I used to have a gym membership and I feel like I really get a great workout in there. 🏃💪However, with trying to cut spending and better my budget, I decided to cut out the $30 per month cost. 💰💸Why pay the gym when I can get killer results from my own place, in a short time, and also save money from not using gas? Not to mention, fighting to get gym equipment no longer appealed to me. I would much rather pay to invest in these programs and equipments that I will be able to do whenever I want, without going off a gym schedule.

So far, I’ve graduated from the 10 weeks of T25 and will be starting X3 on Monday.
I could not be more excited to see how my body transforms in the next 90 days, especially after slacking a little this past week and half with the holidays. Excuses?! NO MORE! Time to get the results, and ABS that Ive been wanting to haven’t fully committed too. Thank goodness for the 30 challenges in the upcoming challenge group to help hold me accountable!! Also, I love me some Chalene and HIIT workouts so I love throwing Turbo Fire in the mix. 💥👊

Like and comment here if you want to learn more about what I’m doing, in the comfort of my own place. 💚💚 Do you have a #fitfriend too? Tag them below! ⬇️ 💌


September Super Saturday: Miami 2013

Each quarter, Beachbody hosts an event called Super Saturday. At the event, we meet with fellow coaches and also guest, wanting to learn more about this opportunity to help others. Yesterday, some Shrednation and Team Thrive teammates road tripped down to Miami for the event.

While there, we heard some coaches share their stories of both physical and financial success! One coach, a mother of two, was craving her pre pregnancy body back. She didn’t know what to do until finally purchasing Turbo Fire, an at home workout program with Chalene Johnson as her trainer! As she worked as a nurse and then anesthesiologist, she was missing the personal connections she was making as a coach in her home business. After her own weightloss journey, she was able to help people and have financial success! Now, she is able to get paid to exercise, eat healthy, get results herself, and encourage other people. Not to mention, she also gets to create her own schedule and doesn’t have a boss! How awesome, right?!

After hearing success stories, beachbody CEO Carl Daikeler spoke to the room. Incredible!! I also got to learn some new and exciting things coming up in the last quarter of 2013. Want in a secret?! Tony Horton is releasing a new 30 minute home workout program!! P90X3!!! I even got to sample one of the 20 workouts that come with the program!! Too cool. Want more details, leave me your email. :)

All in all, it was an amazing day and I cannot wait until January 2014, when we get to have another!! Knowing I get to travel for my work too is also VERY exciting to me! Getting out of the daily 9-5 grind, and not being stuck behind a desk all day, is great! Want to join in on all the amazing-ness I call a job?! Email me at



Last night, my team and I discussed risks. We covered what a risk is, how to overcome them, and some risks we will be taking ourselves!

Risk: a situation involving exposure to danger. In other words, it’s when you take a chance with something, where they may be a negative outcome that may scare you. An example used during the call was our fears of “sounding stupid”. This doesn’t stop you from talking though, does it?

In July, I mentioned how I was getting certified to be a group fitness instructor for Hip Hop Hustle. Last night, I took a huge risk and faced some fears by turning in my resume and certification into some gyms. I want to teach so badly, and share this format with others. Mainly because it’s just so fun to “shake your groove thang,” haha. :) Tonight, I will be taking my information to a few more places. I’d like to be teaching by Halloween, that’s my goal. My coach also said I should teach a class before getting any more certifications, which I want I do on October 27th(insanity) and November 9th(turbo kick)! Wish me luck!

Now, I challenge you. What is one risk you will be taking? A leap of faith, if you will.